Visiting Otawhiwhi Kohanga Reo

Today our Wha Club tamariki enjoyed a trip to Otawhiwhi Kohanga Reo. Otawhiwhi Marae and Kohanga has a beautiful outlook of the Tauranga Moana and surrounding whenua. We were warmly welcomed and enjoyed introductions from Kaiako and tamariki. We were so proud to hear our Kiwikidz tamariki also confidently introduce themselves in te reo and it was a special moment when Xavier stood up and shared her Mihi. Our day was filled with waiata, play, enjoying kai together and opportunities to visit their Marae. Katarina lead our tamariki to the Marae and shared knowledge of the details and front of Whare nui. A highlight on this visit was the opportunity to play and swim in the beautiful moana. It was another stunning hot day and everyone felt grateful to play, swim and korero in the cool water. Through our visits we strengthen our relationships with whanau and our local iwi and strengthen our professional relationships with their kaiako (teachers), knowledge and ideas.

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